The Council
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The Children’s Week Council of Australia is comprised of representatives from each State and Territory that convenes Children’s Week.

The Children's Week Council of Australia
The mission of the Children’s Week Council of Australia is to encourage, support, guide co-ordinate and monitor the widest possible participation of all States and Territories in Children’s Week, ensuring that programs and activities are open to all children regardless of race, colour, sex, ability, religion, nationality or social origin.
The objects of the Council are:
- To focus National and local attention and awareness on Children’s Week, with due regard to the rights, needs and accomplishments of children in Australia within the context of the family, the community and the world;
- To encourage all States and Territories to plan and conduct events to celebrate Children’s Week;
- To be able to affiliate or associate with any organisations or persons approved by Council, which are concerned with and facilitates children’s rights and wellbeing;
- To promote the active involvement of children and consultation with children in planning and implementation of children’s services and activities;
- To do such other things as may be appropriate to the attainment of such mission and objects.
2023/24 Secretariat:
President – Julie Hourigan Ruse (NSW)
Vice-President – Margie Berlemon AM (SA)
Treasurer – Dan Marais (QLD)
Secretary – Robyn Munro Miller (NSW)
Public Officer – Vicki Brown
State Representatives on the Council:
Northern Territory – Meron Looney
Queensland – Dan Marais
New South Wales – Robyn Munro Miller
ACT – Vicki Brown
Victoria – Vicki Elliott
Tasmania – Alison Keddie
South Australia – Margie Berlemon AM
Western Australia – Lesley Moreschi